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November 29, 2010


Jane Bozarth

Tom, thanks so much for helping to spark innovative thinking about social learning within the CPA community. One thing that concerns me about all the recent evangelism is a fear that the idea of social learning is being perceived as "new". Every worker understands intuitively that the way we learn to be successful at work comes not from sitting down in a formal classroom setting, but through conversations with more experienced coworkers, coaching from supervisors, asking for help with a task ("Hey Joe, can you show me how to...?") and talking things over at the water cooler. We're just finally able to articulate the uses and forms and advantages of social learning a little bit better, and at last have good, engaging, truly useful tools in the hands of the learners. (Quite literally, when you consider accessing them from an iPhone, Droid or Blackberry.)

One reason "social learning" is not always recognized as such is that most of us don't recognize the moment at which we are "learning": we recognize it as the moment we are able to solve a problem. Thanks again for the support and the kind words about my new book. Please keep your readers updated on things as they evolve in your world!



Tom, I loved your presentation at EDMAX and was inspired to finally open a Twitter account. While it's not yet part of my everyday routine, I have found some great people to follow and am learning a lot.

The trick now is to convince my firm's leadership that we can allow freedom to use these tools for additional ways to get informal learning. You've provided great examples for me to use to influence them. Thanks!

Tom Hood


Thanks for your great feedback and comments. Two places to start - this post and the CPA Profession examples.

1) This post is a living example of how twitter and blogs can connect and further learning - notice how the author of the book mentioned, weighed in on this blog by comment and the tweets and comments on twitter hit thousands of users. This is how learning can continue and be enhanced with social media.

2) The FASB, AICPA, IRS, GAO, SEC all have twitter accounts and are active participants in the social media realm. If they are out there, shouldn't our professionals get access to the breaking news and information that they are distributing.


Great additional info in your last comment. Thanks Tom!

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